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Add biometric data to a capture.
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Array of objects (HistoryEvent) | |
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Array of objects (Fingerprint) | |
Array of objects (Palm) | |
Array of objects (BodyImage) | |
object (Signature) | |
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Array of objects (FieldSubEntity) | |
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Initializes a capture scene for fingerprint.
tguid | string |
captureMode | string Enum: "REGISTER" "VERIFY" "IDENTIFY" |
notifyUrl | string |
theme | string Enum: "DARK" "LIGHT" |
captureType | string Enum: "ROLLED" "FLAT" |
type | string Value: "FINGERPRINT" |
sequenceControlType | string Enum: "NONE" "CTRL_221" "CTRL_442" Type of sequence control capture. NONE if individual capture, CTRL_221 or CTRL_442 |
Array of objects (FingerprintSubEntity) Array with which fingers to capture. In case of sequenceControlType CTRL_221 or CTRL_442, must have all fingers | |
exceptionSetType | string Enum: "SIMPLIFIED" "TECHNICAL" |
Array of objects (SceneFunction) unique Functions to appear in capture window |
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Initializes a capture scene for baby palms.
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notifyUrl | string |
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Array of objects (SceneFunction) unique Functions to appear in capture window |
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Initializes a capture scene for face.
tguid | string |
captureMode | string Enum: "REGISTER" "VERIFY" "IDENTIFY" |
notifyUrl | string |
theme | string Enum: "DARK" "LIGHT" |
type | string Value: "FACE" |
index | integer <int32> Index for type of face capture. 10 -> Frontal, 11 -> Left mugshot, 12 -> Right mugshot |
processImage | boolean Boolean for processing face captured. If 'index' property is 11 or 12, must be 'false' |
Array of objects (SceneFunction) unique Functions to appear in capture window |
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