ETR Web Releases

ETR WEB - 3.1.4

TSE - ICN Blockage.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 059b8e7126047e9ddbd419d81f2c19b0

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1207][UI] If the transaction has the biographic “locked”, the exception can’t be treated. Removed the treatment buttons from the /one request response;

[NF-002][ETR-1208] Renames the biographic “locked” to “message”;

ETR WEB - 3.1.3


  • GBDS 4.6.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: f443035ffa52fa411389e840bff91bea


[IP-001][ETR-1179] Change enroll transaction to asynchronous.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1178] Fix to get exception using matched person PGUID, and if not found, using enroll PGUID.

ETR WEB - 3.1.2


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 1d8c2f1415dae185acab6dcb5516fa37

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1177] Fix to consider that the field “matchedTransactionsThatHaveAnExceptionUnderAnalysis” may not exists under the “reasonReason” of a get transaction request;

ETR WEB - 3.1.1


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: db6f6ffb3b59f9c183cf45c69a3f7727

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1175] Trusted updated operations are now sent as asynchronous transactions to GBDS, fixing a bug where trusted update operations were receiving timeout;

[BF-002][ETR-1176] Fixed a bug where the “Reject” treatment button was being rendered on update exceptions with one person;

ETR WEB - 3.1.0

This version adds the possibility of removing biometrics before treating an exception.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 2ac7121ac3493fbf4178832c90807ebd


Add permissions on sphinx.gbsapps_funcionality table:

  • Name: etr_update_etr_accept
  • Description: Permission to treat a mismatch key update exception with ‘Accept’;
  • Name: etr_update_etr_reject
  • Description: Permission to treat a mismatch key update exception with ‘Recollect’;
  • Name: etr_update_etr_reject_with_delete
  • Description: Permission to treat a mismatch key update exception with ‘Reject’;
  • Name: etr_delete_biometrics
  • Description: Permission to remove biometrics;

On the sphinx.settings table:

Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('etr.minimumBiometrics', 'ETR', '1');
  • Name: etr.minimumBiometrics
  • Description: Minimum biometrics a profile must have before treating the exception;
  • Type/Range: Integer
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: 1
  • Required: No

On server’s

remove.all.biographics = false
  • Name: remove.all.biographics;
  • Description: When true, resending a refused profile will remove all its biographics;
  • Type/Range: Boolean;
  • Default: False;
  • Required: No

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1138][UI] Added remove icon while hovering a biometric if the user has etr_delete_biometrics permission;

[NF-002][ETR-1139][UI] If a biometric is removed, a text saying “Removed biometric” will replace the image;

[NF-003][ETR-1140][UI] Added the same text to the removed biometrics on the PDF Report;

[NF-004][ETR-1144][UI] Added restore icon while hovering a biometric if the biometric was removed but the exception was not treated yet;

[NF-005][ETR-1145][UI] If a user tries to remove a biometric but it reaches the minimum biometrics limit determined by the minimumBiometrics, a toast informing that this action is not possible is displayed;

[NF-006][ETR-1155][UI] If a user removes a biometric, doesn’t treat the exception, and tries to exit the page a modal will be displayed informing that the changes will be lost;


[IP-001][ETR-1162] Improved exception list and count queries;

[IP-002][ETR-1163] Improved change password’s email by changing the binary encoding to UTF-8;

[IP-003][ETR-1165] ETR will synchronize new exceptions when the exception is not assigned yet or if the assigned user is “system”;

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1156] Fixed retroactive Lights Out bug;

[BF-002][ETR-1171][UI] Checking if a user has all permissions necessary to treat mismatch key update exception;

If a user wants to treat a mismatch key update exception it needs to have all three treatment permissions: etr_update_etr_accept, etr_update_etr_reject and etr_update_etr_reject_with_delete. If the user doesn’t have all permissions a message saying “You don’t have all permissions needed to treat this exception” will be displayed on the footer;

ETR WEB - 3.0.1

This update brings a valuable enhancement, allowing users to enjoy continuous app access by staying logged in during active interactions. Additionally, a bug has been fixed to improve exception filtering.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 472bd556734119e90556b4550678e37b


On server’s

session.expirationTime.server = 3600s
  • Name: session.expirationTime.server;
  • Description: Sets the maximum duration for user login sessions and session refresh.
  • Type/Range: String;
  • Default: 3600s;
  • Required: Yes

New Features

[IF-001][BESTW-1720][CNF] Boosted user experience with continuous app access

This update improved user experience by maintaining seamless app access. Now, users can stay logged in while actively engaging with the application within a specified timeframe, as determined by the session.expirationTime.server variable in

To enable this feature, configure the session.expirationTime.server variable using the format <number><unit>, where the unit can be “s” for seconds, “m” for minutes, or “h” for hours. For instance, set it as “3600s” to establish a 1-hour idle period.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1134] Enhanced exception filtering by responsible

In the previous release, there was an issue with how exceptions were filtered by responsible. Specifically, exceptions would only appear if the responsible was also the initial opener of the case. In situations where the exceptions were initiated by someone else, or not opened at all, they wouldn’t show up when searching or filtering by the responsible name.

We’ve addressed this issue in this release, ensuring that all exceptions tied to a responsible user are correctly displayed, regardless of the original opener. This enhancement guarantees a more consistent and user-friendly experience.

ETR WEB - 3.0.0

This version introduces several improvements to report PDF and some bug fixes.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 09d5ad898fd6e89b63a4f5b1ce512f09


On server’s

listRefusedTreatments.initialTimestamp=dd/mm/aaaa HH:MM:SS
  • Name: listRefusedTreatments.initialTimestamp
  • Description: Define the initial date of the refused transaction thread;
  • Type/Range: DateTime
  • Default: Server’s last DateTime before startup;
  • Required: No
  • Name: listRefusedTreatments.offset
  • Description: Define the refused transaction thread offset;
  • Type/Range: Date
  • Default: 1d
  • Required: No
  • Name:
  • Description: Define if the listing of refused transactions is on or off;
  • Type/Range: Boolean
  • Default: false
  • Required: No
  • Name: listRefusedDelay
  • Description: Define the delay in seconds to send refused transactions treatment;
  • Type/Range: Integer
  • Default: 60
  • Required: No


[IP-001][ETR-1119][UI] Added ‘not included’ fields to report PDF;

Improved report PDF by ordering both profiles’ keys/biographics and showing the same fields in sequence. If a field is present in just one of the profiles, the other will show a “not included” message in the same row.

[IP-002][ETR-1120][UI] Added information and improved report PDF;

Added a space between the comments and the profiles card, added exception status and exception treatment to report PDF.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1113][UI] Fixed report PDF of update exceptions;

In prior releases, the PDF of update exceptions displayed a red border around the matched biometrics instead of the biometrics that didn’t match. This issue was fixed and now the PDF displays the red border around the correct biometrics.

[BF-002][ETR-1118] Treated exception wasn’t returning on search;

Before this fix, searching by treated exceptions would return only exceptions with final status instead of also returning exceptions that received treatment but the treatment hasn’t been processed yet and exceptions where the treatment resulted in an error status. Now all exceptions that received a treatment are returned when searching by treated exceptions.

[BF-003][ETR-1121, ETR-1122] Fixed ‘Incorrect Enroll’ treatment for chained exceptions;

[BF-004][ETR-1131][UI] Fixed sidebar fields value on exception details;

ETR WEB - 2.9.0

This version introduces treatments for refused transactions, along with several small improvements and bug fixes.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: ef5f88d19d782c7c7f1c39a2e7522b60


New tables for the ETR database have been created. Please execute the upgrade-etr-15-09-2023.sql dump file to create and populate these tables.

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1093][DB][CHG][UI] Introduces treatments for refused transactions.

After this release, refused transactions will be listed as regular exceptions and will be available for treatment.

[NF-001][ETR-1084][ETR-1085][UI] Filter exceptions by the responsible.

Users can now filter exceptions by entering the responsible person’s name into a new input field located in the app header and then clicking the ‘Filter’ button.


[IP-001][ETR-1116] Obtain users’ LDAP email addresses after their initial login.

Now, when a user completes their initial login, ETR will retrieve their email address registered in LDAP. This email address will be used for the ‘Forgot password’ and ‘Browser enroll’ flows.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1117][CHG][UI] Invalid date displayed when creating the treated exception PDF.

In prior releases, users encountered the text “Null às Invalid Date” when attempting to create an exception PDF immediately after treatment. This behavior has been resolved, and now the system will display the exception creation date when the resolved date is not yet available.

ETR WEB - 2.8.0

This version introduces a new and better biographics section, capable of ordinating data between profiles and collapsing or expanding all the data. It also adds minor improvements and bug fixes.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 9bfaf0ffb44d729ffd20f4f9e88477b6


On server’s

  • Name: email.use.script.python
  • Description: Defines if server should use python script to send e-mails.
  • Type/Range: Boolean
  • Default: false
  • Required: No
  • Name: email.script.python
  • Description: Defines the current OS location of Python script.
  • Type/Range: String
  • Default: null
  • Required: No
  • Name: email.python.path
  • Description: Defines the current OS location of Python script.
  • Type/Range: String
  • Default: “python”
  • Required: No

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1075][ETR-1076][ETR-1077][UI] Introduces new biographics section.

This version introduces a new biographics section, capable of handling profiles with a lot of biographics. It starts showing just some of them, in a collapsed area, and if the user wants, it can expand and show the full data on screen.

It also improves the user navigation in this section by ordering both profile data and showing the same fields in sequence. If a field is present in just one of the profiles, the other will show a “not included” message in the same row.


[IP-001][ETR-1083][UI] Increased all toast messages duration

All toast messages displayed on the screen will remain active for 10 seconds, so users can have more time to read and understand ETR warnings.

[IP-002][ETR-1080][UI] Padronizes app scrollbar.

Added some style to ETR scrollbar so it looks closer to other Griaule applications.

[IP-003][ETR-1112][UI] Improves error message when attempting to treat an exception related to another exception.

If ETR runs with an older version of GBDS, where the REFUSED concept wasn’t introduced, the user can’t treat an exception that is involved with another exception. For these cases, it was introduced a new modal so the user can understand more about why their treatment failed and how to treat the first exception before treating the current one.

[IP-004][ETR-1111][CNF] E-mail service flow alternative through new Python script.

Now an alternative is available for the email sender service through a script written in Python programming language.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1110][CHG] Treated exceptions forwarded to MIR will be considered concluded.

There was a bug that treated exceptions forwarded to MIR were considered pending until it was also concluded in MIR. Since there’s nothing left to be done in ETR, this status will now be considered concluded, instead of pending.

[BF-002][ETR-1082][UI] Update exceptions will show the score as 0 when a biometric does not match

There was a bug that update exceptions would show a score with the value “null” when hovering the mouse in a non-match biometric. Now for these cases, it will display the score “0”, instead of “null”.

ETR WEB - 2.7.1


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 3cf065c0f6c2cc625da172e7ee4cdfb3


On sphinx.settings table:

Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('remove.biographics', 'ETR', 'listOfBioNamesSeparatedByComma');
  • Name: remove.biographics
  • Description: List of biographics that shouldn’t be displayed on the interface
  • Type/Range: String
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: null
  • Required: No

On server’s

  • Name: email.auth
  • Description: Defines if the email service will use authentication (user/pass)
  • Type/Range: Bool
  • Default: false
  • Required: No
  • Name: email.starttls
  • Description: Defines if the email service will use communication over TLS
  • Type/Range: Bool
  • Default: false
  • Required: No

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1073][CNF] Filter biographics.

Before sending the list of biographics to the front end, the server checks the remove.biographics configuration and filters all biographics listed.

[NF-002][BESTW-1700][CNF] Forgot password email configuration.

Added two configurations (email.auth, email.starttls) to define whether the email service should use authentication and TLS communication.


[IP-001][BESTW-1699] Improved forgot password email message.

ETR WEB - 2.7.0


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: dc8f90ae3248239a77c1ff4c787f8968


On sphinx.settings table:

Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('biographicsOrder', 'ETR', 'ALPHABETICAL');
  • Name: biographicsOrder
  • Description: Dictates how biographics should be ordered
  • Type/Range: String (ALPHABETICAL or NONE)
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Required: No

On server’s

  • Name: lightsOut.enroll.necessary.labels
  • Description: ETR Lights Out will treat only the enroll exceptions that have the configured labels
  • Type/Range: String (The value should be a unique label or a list of labels separated by a comma. Eg: “myLabel1,myLabel2”)
  • Default: null
  • Required: No
  • Name: lightsOut.update.necessary.labels
  • Description: ETR Lights Out will treat only the update exceptions that have the configured labels
  • Type/Range: String (The value should be a unique label or a list of labels separated by a comma. Eg: “myLabel1,myLabel2”)
  • Default: null
  • Required: No

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1054][CNF] Biographics order.

Instead of always ordering biographics in alphabetical order, biographicsOrder conf was added to dictate if biographics should be ordered in alphabetical order or not.

[NF-002][ETR-1068] Report PDF.

Instead of limiting the number of keys/biographics shown in the PDF Report to avoid bugs in the PDF’s structure, if the exception has more than 5 keys/biographics, a new page is added to display all keys/biographics.


[IP-001][ETR-1072][CNF] Lights Out.

ETR Lights Out will treat only the exceptions that have the configured labels. In case the feature: lightsOut.enroll.disabled.labels or lightsOut.update.disabled.labels is also configured, ETR will prioritize the disabled labels over the necessary labels.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1061] Exception’s responsible.

Changed ‘Assigned user’ to ‘Responsible’ and fixed a bug where the ‘Responsible’ field would always show the first expert who opened the exception, not taking into consideration who treated the exception.

ETR WEB - 2.6.1

Bugfix on PDF report generation;


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 227bf82c1cfaca8b9ba848179be0c6fe

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1069] Fixed PDF report generation for TSE;

ETR WEB - 2.6.0

This version introduces simultaneous login, change password, forgot password and browser enrollment features.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: f2e1d594ae8af5c4cab6d5df48923d1d


On sphinx.settings table:

Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('checkDevice', 'APPS', 'false');
  • Name: checkDevice
  • Description: Enables browser enrollment feature (verifies if current browser is the one allowed previously)
  • Type/Range: Boolean
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: false
  • Required: No
Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('forgotPasswordAllowed', 'APPS', 'false');
  • Name: forgotPasswordAllowed
  • Description: Enables forgot password feature (allows user to reset their password if forgotten)
  • Type/Range: Boolean
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: false
  • Required: No

On server’s

  • Name: gbds.etrUser
  • Description: Should receive the string “system” as value if the server works with keys mismatch exceptions. It’ll synchronize these types of exceptions after restarting or polling ETR server.
  • Type/Range: String
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: codeValidTime
  • Description: Maximum duration that the temporary code sent by e-mail is valid for forgot password and browser enrollment flows. The duration is represented in minutes and it’s validated only once, when server starts.
  • Type/Range: Integer
  • Default: 10
  • Required: No
  • Name: deviceTime
  • Description: Represents the period of months that a browser’s guid will be valid.
  • Type/Range: Integer
  • Default: 6
  • Required: No
  • Name:
  • Description: E-mail server URL.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name:
  • Description: E-mail server port.
  • Type/Range: Integer (e.g 587)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: email.from
  • Description: E-mail address that will be used as sender.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: email.from
  • Description: Encrypted sender e-mail address password.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g xed3HZAA3+7umD+YFUgz6/AXbqGnMY/oLSRu6355xdA=)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Observation: The encryption method should be the same used for database’s passwordjava -jar encrypt.jar PASSWORD_HERE
  • Name: ldap.user
  • Description: User to be used in LDAP service.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g bravoadm)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: ldap.user
  • Description: LDAP service user’s password.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g Griaule.123)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes

New Features

[NF-001][WEB-358][CNF][OPT] Simultaneous login.

With this feature it’s not possible to have the same profile logged more than once in the same application. If an user is already logged and another access happens, using its username and password, the user with the oldest access will be warned and logged out in their next action.

[NF-002][BESTW-1627][BESTW-1628][BESTW-1630][UI] Change password.

Users now can change their password after logged in. In order to do that, the user must click the option “Change password” from the dropdown with their username in the top-right of the application. Next, they need to type their current password and the new password twice, following the rules described in the screen. After the new password is accepted, the user is automatically returned to the previous page.

[NF-003][BESTW-1641][CNF][OPT] Forgot password.

Users now have a new option at login screen that they can reset their password if it was forgotten. After clicking on it, they must inform their username and they will receive an e-mail with a temporary code. After typing the code successfully, they can type a new password, following the rules described in the screen.

[NF-004][BESTW-1663][CNF][OPT] Browser enrollment.

Users now will be informed that they are attempting to access the application from a new browser if they change the browser they are accessing it. They must return to the previous browser or authenticate the new one, revoking the access from the previous browser. To authenticate the new browser, they must type a code received in their e-mail correctly.


[IP-001][CNF][CHG] The maximum number of login attempts is now based in a database value.

Previously the maximum number of login attempts was fixed in 5. Now it uses the value from a database row. If the value does not exist, the fallback will be the previous value (5 attempts).

[IP-002][UI] Added user’s organization in application header.

Users now can check their organization by looking at the application header.

ETR WEB - 2.5.3

Improvements related to the database logical segmentation using organizations.


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 64d810cedb64f03f130e9692e4238a00


  • Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME, TYPE, VAL) values (highlightDifferentKeys, ETR, true);

    • Name: highlightDifferentKeys;
    • Description: enables highlight of biographical exceptions;
    • Range: boolean;
    • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
    • Default: false
    • Required: no

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1049][DB][UI] Now it’s possible to enable or disable the highlight of biographical exceptions using a new database config (highlightDifferentKeys);


[IP-001][ETR-1048][CNF] The feature is now disabled by default.

[IP-002][ETR-1053][CHG] When user does not apply a date filter, the database search is also executed without a date filter.

[IP-003][ETR-1050] Improvement in counting exceptions by verifying its labels. The user that generated the exception is also responsible for treating it.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1047] Exceptions were not respecting the logical segmentation by organizations and were available and treatable by users from the original organization.

[BF-002][ETR-1052][UI] Added missing translation keys for registration exception view.

ETR WEB - 2.5.2

Dealing with keys mismatch in update exceptions.


  • GBDS 4.1.0
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 88990511fe4a6a4225bc7fe442853c73


  • On
# When true ETR will perform get transaction for the matched person
# When true ETR will perform get transaction for the matched person

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1041][UI] Mismatched keys are now highlighted;

[NF-002][ETR-1042][UI] On linked update exceptions, the user can only treat one exception with “Accept”;

[NF-003][ETR-1043] Treatments are only sent for linked update exceptions when all decisions are made;

[NF-004][ETR-1044][UI] Only “Accept”, “Reject”, and “Recollect” treatments are available for linked update exceptions;


[IP-001][ETR-1035] Ability to filter by key/biographic/label and time period simultaneously;

ETR WEB - 2.5.1

Add two-factor authentication (2FA)


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 97cbf8b7a4d0676ca6dbaeea70b6166d


  • Insert into sphinx.settings values (twoFactorAuthentication, APPS, true):

    - Name: twoFactorAuthentication;
    - Description: enable two factor authentication on BESTW;
    - Range: boolean;
    - Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
    - Default: false
    - Required: no
  • Insert into sphinx.settings values (maxNumberTries, APPS, 5):

    - Name: maxNumberTries;
    - Description: set the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts a user can make before having their account blocked;
    - Range: integer;
    - Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
    - Default: 5
    - Required: no

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1038][CFN] Add two factor authentication;

ETR WEB - 2.5.0

Split biometric selection permission into 2 (one for Unify, one for Update)


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump/upgrade found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 5b687d893918395f45b19ef74733a8ae

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1032] Split biometric selection configuration for Unify into 2 separate configurations (one for Enroll, one for Update).

  • Previous configuration: choiceOfBiometricIndex;
  • New configurations: choiceOfBiometricIndexEnroll; choiceOfBiometricIndexUpdate;

ETR WEB - 2.4.1

Send new TGUID in the ETR notifications for the treatments that generated a new enroll.


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 44f26e0179b754d3ea3bc06ed3dab48d

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1027] Every treatment that ETR process and generates a new enrollment in GBDS should send the new TGUID in the ETR notifications. With this change, the customer is able to identify that the transaction that generated the exception has a new tguid;

ETR WEB - 2.4.0

Added auxiliary images, authentication improvements and fixed signatures with TIFF format. Fixed key/biographics filter.

Compatibility * GBDS 4.2.0 or later * Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 0c4284ae3a94b022a7b10da8dbfa601c

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-1024][UI] Added auxiliary images in exception comparison window. The previous versions were displaying only mugshot images;

[NF-002][ETR-1025][UI] Added auxiliary images in exception PDF report.


[IP-001][ETR-1019] Improved the way that the application handle GBDS authorization. When GBDS API responds with “SECURITY_ERROR: Request is missing JWT token”, ETR will try to perform the authentication again in order to generate a new token;

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1020] Fixed the key/biographics filter in exception listing. The filter was returning only exceptions that matched the key/biographic created just one year ago. Thus, older exceptions matching key/biographics were not returned;

[BF-001][ETR-1025] Fixed the display of signatures in TIFF format;

ETR WEB - 2.3.0

  • Added biometric selection on Unify (Enroll) and Same biometrics (Update) treatments
  • Changed the logic that displays the label of the treatments buttons


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder


Customers that want to have the Same biometrics button working as Unify treatment must apply the upgrade-update-same-biometrics.sql after the .war update;

MD5 Checksum: 1a2781aefdb8a16356fa82e6f47821b9

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-986][UI] Added modal title informing the user to select biometrics on new biometric selection feature;

[NF-002][ETR-987][UI] Added Biometric index navigation on biometric selection modal;

[NF-003][ETR-989][UI] Added biometric selection feature on biometric selection modal;

[NF-004][ETR-990][UI] Included hand icons to help users with biometric index navigation;

[NF-005][ETR-991][UI] Included face icon to help users with biometric index navigation;

[NF-006][ETR-992] Sending only selected reference indexes on treatment payload;

[NF-007][ETR-993] Verifying if all biometric indexes were selected;

[NF-008][ETR-994] Added biometric selection feature on backend;

[NF-009][ETR-995][CNF] Added a new configuration choiceOfBiometricIndex on sphinx.settings table to be able to enable or disable biometric selection.

  • Default value: false;
  • Possible values: true or false;
  • true: end user will be able to choose biometrics during Unify (Enroll) and Same biometrics (Update) treatments;

[NF-010][ETR-996] Keeping selected biometrics after unifying/merging profiles;

[NF-011][ETR-997] Added logic to merge profiles and do a trusted update;

[NF-012][ETR-998] Getting choiceOfBiometricIndex configuration on front and checking if it is active;

[NF-013][ETR-1009][UI] Changed the logic that add labels in treatments buttons. The button’s label is now given by the treatment key instead of using the status or to-status;

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1010] Fixed the synchronization of exceptions treated outside of ETR;

ETR WEB - 2.2.1

Remove unused option and optimize list exceptions query


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: bd87414fff592546747371194e89ed86

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-1000] Remove Treat Related Exception option;

[BF-001][ETR-1002] Remove count from list exceptions query;

ETR WEB - 2.2.0

Exception Groups, changes to handle REFUSED exceptions, detailed exceptions info on the list, and improvements


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

New tables:

  • sphinx.activity_log
  • sphinx.session

MD5 Checksum: aed1b1cf8336633af4d33e867c083f9f

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-928] Design Exception Groups;

[NF-002][ETR-929] Refactor ETR to handle Exception Groups;

[NF-003][ETR-931] Implement header on exceptions list;

[NF-004][ETR-941] Display exception biometrics on exceptions list;

[NF-005][ETR-942] Display comments on footer for treated exceptions;

[NF-006][ETR-947] Refactored export PDF to export current or all exceptions from the group - export all exceptions PDFs might need browser authorization to download multiple files;

[NF-007][ETR-950] Display expert name on already visited exceptions;


[IP-001][ETR-924] Change default treatment to not include ‘Deny List’;

[IP-002][ETR-930] Prioritize pending exceptions on listing to permit REFUSED transactions to be resent;

[IP-003][ETR-933] Add configuration to display minutiae when inspecting an exception biometric;

[IP-004][ETR-934] Display user responsible for the exception on exceptions list;

[IP-005][ETR-948] Refactored exceptions listing default filters;

[IP-006][ETR-951] Change columns position on exceptions list;

[IP-007][ETR-952] Update exception type icon on list;

[IP-008] New resend.tries conf in to set maximum amount of times that ETR server will try to send linkResentEnroll to GBDS. Used only for refused transactions;

[IP-009][ETR-963] Endpoint for notification accepts any JSON object (before only accepted specific class object);

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-927] Fixed logic to accept resend REFUSED transactions;

[BF-002][ETR-960] Fix for notification from GBDS with new information (pguid, comments, type);

[BF-003][ETR-961] Fix for new status in GBDS notification (RESENT_ENROLL);

[BF-004][ETR-973] Send face quality to GBDS after unify treatment;

[BF-005][ETR-974] Fix for infinite loading when accessing exception that does not exist;

ETR WEB - 2.1.2

Made ExternalId class Serializable


  • GBDS 4.1.0 1449 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: cb82574b62bc6f5869ac41cd3fa0c09c

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-966] ExternalId class needs to be Serializable

ETR WEB - 2.1.1

Handle ‘REFUSED’ status from GBDS, profiles external keys, bus connection and fix anomaly problem


  • GBDS 4.1.0 1449 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: b9787fc461b61e9936a2f369c076a60d


[IP-001] New resend.tries conf in to set maximum amount of times that ETR server will try to send linkResentEnroll to GBDS. Used only for refused transactions;

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-960] Fix for notification from GBDS with new information (pguid, comments, type);

[BF-002][ETR-961] Fix for new status in GBDS notification (RESENT_ENROLL);

ETR WEB - 2.1.0

Handle ‘REFUSED’ status from GBDS, profiles external keys, bus connection and fix anomaly problem


  • GBDS 4.1.0 1449 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: ed085aacb3f30f432b69f5f2a18722fc

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-896] Treat transactions with ‘REFUSED’ status on GBDS;

[NF-002][ETR-903] Implement profiles filtering by external key;

[NF-003][ETR-905] Return profile external ids;

[NF-004][ETR-906] Display profiles external keys on listing if it exists;

[NF-005][ETR-907] Bus connection;

[NF-006] Application manual;


[IP-001] Server updates to handle new fields schema on common servers;

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-904] Fix anomaly strings problems on profiles;

[BF-002][ETR-913] Removing X-JWT-Assertion header param if it is undefined;

[BF-003][ETR-914] Adding X-JWT-Assertion header param in CORS rules.

[BF-004][ETR-919] Render ‘incorrect enroll’ option according to user permission;

[BF-005] Fix infinite loading when generating exception PDF;

ETR WEB - 2.0.0

Updates to ETR Web in order to use the 3.0.0 server version, fix enroll merge problem.


  • Database: compatible with sql upgrade and dump found with the release in the very same folder
  • ETR server 3.0.0
  • Common Server 2.7.1

MD5 Checksum: 2b7fe5ef270a42caa4e9fcc28b4946b8


[IP-001][ETR-881] Change polling to use GBDS pagination.

[IP-002][ETR-890] Add more log info to server.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-879] Fix the accumulated exceptions issue after refresh;

[BF-002][ETR-885] Fix save treatment decision when doubleCheck is activated;

[BF-003][ETR-887] Update dates checking on exceptions filters;

[BF-004][ETR-888] Fix exception merging error when keys have different values;

[BF-005][ETR-889] Remove sender from notification server;

[BF-006][ETR-891] Remove duplicated values from dataBase consulting results.

ETR WEB - 1.0.17

Fix update exception visualization when getting person by Tguid is enabled


  • Database: compatible with sql dump found with the release in the very same folder
  • ETR server 2.7.13
  • Common Server 2.7.1

MD5 Checksum: c8f4a73dea049ef7174883e2d435d092

Bug Fixes

[HBF-001][ETR-875] Fixed update exception visualization problem when configuration ‘getMatchedPersonWithTguid’ is enabled

ETR WEB - 1.0.16

Improve reference get method and fix exception list count after treating an exception


  • Database: compatible with sql dump found with the release in the very same folder
  • ETR server 2.7.13
  • Common Server 2.7.1

MD5 Checksum: 43b48b99321bf6e703b8e9750a89b934

New Improvements

[IP-001][ETR-861] Perform a get transaction instead of get person for the reference profile.

Bug Fixes

[HBF-001][ETR-866] Fixed exception count after handling an exception.

ETR WEB - 1.0.15

Fix ETR bugs (exception info / Lights Out configuration / dates validation) and add biographic search on Intelligence


  • Database: compatible with sql dump found with the release in the very same folder
  • ETR server 2.7.13
  • Common Server 2.7.1

MD5 Checksum: 8341d0363af471e2219e581de5634626

New Features

[NF-001][INTEL-148] Allow search by biographics on Intelligence.

Bug Fixes

[HBF-001][ETR-851] Fix return to list after treating an exception

[HBF-002][ETR-852] Fix Lights Out configurations.

[HBF-003][ETR-854] Validate dates that were manually entered by the user.

ETR WEB - 1.0.14

Fix biometrics loading


  • Database: compatible with sql dump found with the release in the very same folder
  • ETR server 2.7.12
  • Common Server 2.7.1

MD5 Checksum: fcefceac602278364120d9a37e86c893

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-847] Added conf filter.people.pguid in of etr-server.

[NF-002][] Returning auxiliary images to be shown in gbs-intelligence.

[NF-003][INTEL-147] Display auxiliary images in gbs-intelligence.


[IP-001][ETR-845] Notify user that key or biographic filter overwrites the status filter.

Bug Fixes

[HBF-001][ETR-846] Fix biometrics loading when profile has sequence control biometrics or no biometrics template.

[HBF-002][ETR-849] Fix Persian calendar display.

ETR WEB - 1.0.13

Dari Calendar added


  • Database: compatible with sql dump found with the release in the very same folder
  • ETR server 2.7.11
  • Common Server 2.7.1

MD5 Checksum: 60e22f02ed56f291447987d699707aa7

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-827] Implementing Date, Hour and Dari Calendar

[NF-002][ETR-836] Now the exceptions are listed with Status ALL when field != null

[NF-003][ETR-818] Added popover in profile comparison when hovering over matched biometrics

ETR WEB - 1.0.12


  • Database: Compatible with the dump available with the release
  • ETR server 2.7.11

MD5 Checksum: 9c631501ce7a46e94f307b883ef5b74a

New Features

[NF-001][ETR-821] Exception Treatment by date

[NF-002][ETR-177] Added anomaly warning to fingerprints (amputated, damaged, bandaged, ignored, low quality)

[NF-003][ETR-816] Added palmprint quality

[NF-004][ETR-743] If there is more than 1 match, all matched biometrics are now highlighted while hovering


[IP-001][ETR-820] Improved Lights out properties for enroll/update and description of all lights out properties

[IP-002][ETR-826] Palmprint images are loaded only after fingerprints.

ETR WEB - 1.0.11


  • Database: compatible with the dump available with the release ETR server 2.7.10

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][ETR-807] consider enroll tguid as only history from enroll person (get person with enrollPguid return person not found on GBDS after merge_transactions)

[BF-002][ETR-798] version endpoint reallocation

New Features

[NF-001][BRAVODOC-24] swagger annotations for endpoint operation and returns

[NF-002][ETR-786] added iris for ETR lights out

[NF-003][ETR-800] gbds notification queue on table


[IP-001][ETR-792] minimum functionalities on settings with role option (all or at least one) or on request body on authentication, return 401 UNAUTHORIZED if fails on these minimum functionalities