SMART Releases

SMART - 1.1.11

MD5 Checksum: 7dbc066ec8a358d6cac97958ccc0fda1

New Features

[NF-001][SMAR-436] Validate field NIS/PIS/PASEP.


[IP-001][SMAR-395] Default ‘Has mother’ option changed to true.

[IP-002][SMAR-437] Filiation not needed if ‘Doesn’t have mother’ option is selected.

[IP-003][SMAR-438] Registration date can’t be after the Certificate date.

[IP-004][SMAR-439] Birth date can’t be after the Registration date.

[IP-005][SMAR-443] Field address complement limited to 50 characters.


MD5 Checksum: 88ac03b939df4b96e5cafdc6f17f38be


New configuration:

  • Name: sefaz.ambiente
  • Description: Determines the Sefaz environment to be used in requests.
  • Type/Range: Integer
  • Default: 1

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BF-001][SMAR-469] Change hard-coded integer to new configuration sefaz.ambiente.

[BF-002][BF-002][SMAR-454] Send string to inform that a signature was not captured.


MD5 Checksum: ded09dd839a5fa66f078cd19a17c91de


New configuration:

  • Name: bcadastro.dateFormat
  • Description: Defines the date format to be used for b-Cadastros.
  • Type/Range: String
  • Default: yyyy-MM-dd

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-420] Send date in the correct format.

SMART - 1.1.10

MD5 Checksum: 554e06185326b7ad3ec96eeaf96a856a

New Features

[NF-001][SMAR-422] Added ‘Exemption’ table.

[NF-002][SMAR-422] New Endpoint GET /api/exemption/list, which returns all exemption options.

[NF-003][SMAR-422] New Endpoint POST /api/processos/{processId}/exemption/{exemptionId}, which adds an exemption option to the process.

[NF-004][SMAR-428][SMAR-444] Adding edit biographics and confirm payment with boleto.

[NF-005][SMAR-371] Payment exemption feature.

[NF-006][SMAR-417] Implemented drop-down menu for CNH category selection.


[IP-001][SMAR-367] Added ‘Full text Index’ to columns ‘name’ from tables ‘Biographic’ and ‘Filliation’, changing advanced search from substring to word search.

[IP-002][SMAR-339][SMAR-447] Removed Payment block before sending to GBDS, now done before delivering document to the citizen.

[IP-003] Added Java Melody dependency. Monitoring endpoint can be checked at /monitor endpoint.

[IP-004][SMAR-411] Checking if a region already exists on layout to disable the option.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-399] Sefaz is now consulting DAE correctly.

[BF-002][SMAR-426] Filling ‘livro’, ‘folha’, and ‘termo’ in observacao field when no birthCertificate is filled.

[BF-003][SMAR-318] Removed cod_tipo_documento_origem and num_documento_origem from Sefaz generateDAE payload.

[BF-004][SMAR-405] Adding line break when a name has 37+ characters and changed abbreviation rule from 37+ characters to 74+.

[BF-005][SMAR-420] Before sending CIN image to RFB, resizing and converting to PNG.

[BF-006][SMAR-407] Showing name field in process listing.

[BF-007][SMAR-450] EditBiographic string fix.

[BF-008][SMAR-452][SMAR-453] Blocked edit modal when loading.

SMART - 1.1.9

MD5 Checksum: 911e2a1575bf252c6f7210b8ac79e0c1

New Features

[NF-001][SMAR-161] Biometric authentication when delivering documents.

[NF-002][SMAR-366] Added configuration scintegration.mandatoryConference, with default value true.

When true, every process will be at the Biographics Review step after being processed by GBDS, but it will not be revised in the RFB step if the process has biographic inconsistencies.

When false, the Biographics Review step will only be presented if the process is sent to investigation by an operator or station, or if the process has biographic inconsistencies.


[IP-001][SMAR-374] Moved the “Titulo Eleitor” field down on the registration screen along with the other optional fields under “Optional Information”.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-381] Fixed ‘Emissão expressa’ internal problem with variable typo.

[BF-002][SMAR-383] CINEspelho table row will be written after PRINT notification to finalize the MJ and RFB steps by sending the printed document.


MD5 Checksum: d607a46b736db8722144c3a425350b13

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-402] Get Process correctly returning body condition flags.

[BF-002][SMAR-403] Handling flag conditions as String instead of boolean.

SMART - 1.1.8

MD5 Checksum: d7777eccc55e2bf997e92f6e3b5e2bc1


[IP-001][SMAR-364][SMAR-373] No process listing until the user performs a search.

[IP-002][SMAR-372] Uppercase all text before sending to server.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-267] Cardscan processes are now correctly saved in the ‘Cardscan’ table and polled correctly.

[BF-002][SMAR-368] Send Naturalidade with nation name to wallet when nation is not BRA.

[BF-003][SMAR-375] Fixed charset for OrgaoExpedidor and OrgaoEmissor.

[BF-004][SMAR-376] Sending ‘Impossibilitado de assinar’ to MJ instead of an empty string in the signature field when no signature is captured.


MD5 Checksum: ed4e3fbfd5819596107f16c5f33bb9f5

New Features

[NF-001] Added new configuration: wallet.UF, mandatory with no default value.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001] Wallet field ‘unidade federativa’ filled from configuration wallet.UF instead of nationCode.


MD5 Checksum: 708036caf393b91c29de0ea4b2f5dd7e

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-344] Fixed line height on inputs to avoid not displaying accents.

[BF-002][SMAR-354] Validation of ‘Certidão de Nascimento/Casamento’ field correctly.

[BF-003][SMAR-355] Added Certificate number to Prontuario.

SMART - 1.1.7

MD5 Checksum: 0c82c269fa789d8fddf8bac7a1422741


[IP-001][SMAR-342] Showing all filiation in Biographics Review.

[IP-002][SMAR-340] Send all print content info in uppercase to GBS Print.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-341] Fixed Biographics Review PDF re-rendering.

[BF-002][SMAR-346] Added validation to birthCertificate and MaritalRegister to ensure at least one of them is filled.

[BF-003][SMAR-347] Send Nation name to GBS Print when place of birth is not BRA.

[BF-004][SMAR-349] Create Wallet row with status 1, instead of 0.

[BF-005][SMAR-350] Fill Wallet CPF fields from process table, instead of using both process and biographics.

SMART - 1.1.6

MD5 Checksum: c3b8278464e4aaca402a1c31ba9d86fb

New Features

[NF-001] Added the prefix wallet to the following configurations: orgaoExpedidor, orgaoEmissor, localEmissao, signatureExpedidorFilePath, fingerprintSize.

[NF-002] Removed the configuration: faceSize.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-334] Fixed ‘Alemanha’ code sent by webapp to backend.


MD5 Checksum: 930a34ceb532027076c6f249fd25056c


[IP-001] Removed ‘distinct’ from both SELECT and COUNT query from list Process.

SMART - 1.1.5

MD5 Checksum: c2577e8b4f89a0e8c591df5133465ea3

New Features

[NF-001][SMAR-259] Added physical condition icons in createProcess forms modal.

[NF-002] Configuration added: scintegration.deleteBiometrics with default value false.

[NF-003] Configuration added: fingerprintSize and faceSize with default value 100.

[NF-004] Configuration added: orgaoExpedidor with default value null.

[NF-005] Configuration added: orgaoEmissor with default value null.

[NF-006] Configuration added: localEmissao with default value null.

[NF-007] Configuration added: signatureExpedidorFilePath with default value null.

[NF-008] Configuration added: scintegration.signatureHeight and scintegration.signatureWidth with default value 200.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-237][SMAR-312] Handle numeric response in createProcess forms modal for getCPF response in RFB.

[BF-002][SMAR-309] Validating if process has birth certificate before sending it to be processed.

[BF-003][SMAR-316] ‘Prontuario’ is now being filled with photo and fingerprints.

[BF-004][SMAR-320] When creating a new Process without CPF and RG, both fields will be blocked.

[BF-005][SMAR-325] Removing any character except numbers in CEP.

[BF-006][SMAR-326] Handling additionalDocs null values when opening a process.

SMART - 1.1.4

MD5 Checksum: 921b30c28448ec1b210729eb17dc5d32

New Features

[NF-001][SMAR-203] Added History endpoint GET /api/processos/{processId}/history.

[NF-002][SMAR-302] Added CNH, CNH category, militarCertificate, PisPasep, ProfessionalIdentity, OrganDonor, DataRegistro, and DataCertidao to createProcess.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-299] Added validation to ‘CPF do Responsável’ when process BirthDate is less than 16 years ago.

[BF-002][SMAR-293] Every process stays at CONFERENCE after the process’s status is PROCESSADO.

[BF-003][SMAR-303] Parsing JWT field dvd correctly when the person is 60+ years old, then sending dtExpiration with value ‘Não informado’ to GBS Print.

[BF-004][SMAR-304] Saving RFB hashCodeEmissao after biometricConsistency.

[BF-005][SMAR-284] Added SEFAZ month padding. E.g.: For January, 1 was being sent instead of 01.

[BF-006][SMAR-288] Fixed validation of comarca, distrito, livro, etc., which was blocking any process creation without these fields.

SMART - 1.1.3

MD5 Checksum: d9b70b14f1f7b0b25e23d1900acc882c

New Features

[NF-001][SMAR-271] Added CreatedAt column in rfbAction table:

  • New table BirthCertificate:
CREATE TABLE `BirthCertificate` (
  `ProcessId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Comarca` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Distrito` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Livro` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Folha` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Termo` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-278] Sending observacao to RFB when there is no birthCertificate for the process.

[BF-002][SMAR-280] Filling MJ socialName and filliation to fix null text in JWT URL.

[BF-003][SMAR-256] Saving and returning ‘CPF do responsável’.

[BF-004][SMAR-277] Saving processSet and checking if the process is already being processed when a notification is received, removing race condition.

[BF-005][SMAR-260] Added CPF to GBDS after generating a new CPF in RFB.

SMART - 1.1.2

MD5 Checksum: b7def95bc175d17815b1d61e41b39090

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-262] BiometricConsistency request correctly filling all mandatory fields.

SMART - 1.1.1

MD5 Checksum: 62f0a651ee6aba0f568bf5c2c1c4e95c

New Features

[NF-001][SMAR-242] Added new column Response to MJ table:



[IP-001] Save response body when there are RFB errors.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][SMAR-254] Request to RFB with process user instead of trying to get authenticated user.

[BF-002] Include CPF request always sends descricaoArquivo with default text Certidao Nascimento/Casamento.

[BF-003][SMAR-257] Abbreviate NullPointerException when passing null String.

[BF-004][SMAR-251] Commented RFB nameValidation, because b-Cadastros is accepting any name in homolog.

[BF-005][SMAR-248] Ignore null or empty biographic values received in createCriminalProcess request.

[BF-006][SMAR-242] Save response when recebimentoJWT HTTP 200 returns error data message instead of JWT token.

[BF-007][SMAR-241] Ignore REVERSE_LATENT_MATCH notification.

[BF-008][SMAR-242] Split name1 into name1, name2, name3… with each name limited by 37 characters.

SMART - 1.1.0

MD5 Checksum: 68f07cb9bda7f1f3404d4019b2629dac

New Features

[NF-001] Added “Biographics Review” workflow.

[NF-002] Added MJ configurations relative to QR code generation:

mj.scale, mj.border and mj.ecc, with default values 4, 15, and LOW, respectively.

[NF-003] New table BirthCertificate:

`ProcessId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`Comarca` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`Distrito` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`Livro` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`Folha` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`Termo` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL

[NF-004] Changes in columns length:

  • Biographic: Name and SocialName varchar increased from 100 to 255.
  • Filliation: Name varchar increased from 100 to 255.


[IP-001] Added logs for better tracking of process situation.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001] Several fixes in RFBAction response when there are communication errors.

SMART - 1.0.1

MD5 Checksum: 17c086fe2738a486215582e3df501f80

New Features

[NF-001] Added endpoint to confirm DAE: POST /{processId}/payment/{dae}, which will set payment to true if it has no DAE yet, or if the DAE is related this specific process.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001] Validate empty RG when sending to GBDS.

[BF-002] Phone conversion to Long instead of Integer.

SMART - 1.0.0

Official first release.

MD5 Checksum: ac957d0ca87821bac4c0c4b1ef0c56f0