BCC Services Releases

BCC Services -

New installer for TSE

MD5 Checksum: 8566eecf2667ced867ce7d0ad5c3959e

New Features

[NF-001][BCC-636] BCC makes sound after detecting a finger in capturing device

[NF-002][BCC-634] Zoom in Canon PowerShot implemented


[IP-001][BCC-670] New installer MSI for TSE

[IP-002][BCC-660] Removed mouth mark when showing face points

[IP-003][BCC-633] Canon PowerShot FPS higher

[IP-004][BCC-632] Delete captured image in Canon PowerShot memory card

[IP-005][BCC-639] Canon PowerShot and MSP devices set as default in TSE installation

[IP-006][BCC-640] Portuguese set as default in TSE installation

[IP-007][BCC-641] Face analyze errors set to warning in TSE installation

[IP-008][BCC-646] Camera rotation set in TSE installation

[IP-009][BCC-658] Smear detected in Watson Mini device

[IP-010][BCC-656] String in registry changed in installer

[IP-011][BCC-650] Only needs to select eyes in reprocessing face step

[IP-012][BCC-662] Added VC Redist 2010 and 2012 DLLs in installer

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCC-637] Script to restart application not working correctly.

Created new configurations in bcc-service.properties file:

  • smearLevel : smear level configuration for Watson Mini device

BCC Services -

Solved problem with baby palmprint capture in BCC Web and new configuration parameters.

New Features

[NF-001][BCC-610][CNF] New configuration parameters signatureWidth and signatureHeigh, used for returning signature image with these properties.

Created 2 new configurations in bcc-service.properties file:

  • signatureWidth: integer with width size of signature image to return after capture
  • signatureHeight: integer with height size of signature image to return after capture


[IP-001][BCC-609] Crop captured signature image removing white space.

Now, after the signature capture finishes, BCC Services will crop the signature and remove excessive white spaces.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCC-605][EP] Closing baby palm capture correctly in BCC Web

Baby Palm Capture endpoint now send the correct status after capture is complete.

BCC Services -

Release with correct documentation and bug fixes

Bug Fixes

[BF-001] Fields in profile capture if not sent, use default in fields.json

New Features

[NF-001] Capture mugshot using index (integer: 10, 11 or 12)

BCC Services -

Release for Guardian device

MD5 Checksum: 5ab6c469825f456ad17f568d50896012


[IP-001][BCC-595] Fingerprint SDK with Guardian device

BCC Services -

New endpoints and bug fixes

MD5 Checksum: 6b2223b132259d8cbd4e17201a930e12

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCW-117] Index to capture palm in verify changed to ANY_PALM

[BF-002][BCW-98] Endpoint /version returning correct version (previously returning common version)

New Features

[NF-001][BCW-207] New endpoint to capture auxiliary image (Look swagger)

[NF-002][BCW-209] New endpoint to capture baby palms (Look swagger)

BCC Services -

Bug fixes release

MD5 Checksum: 6310f474db27fe62d1d42ff7b786189d

Bug Fixes

[BF-001] Setting ImageFormat when Setting ImageBuffer.

New Features

[NF-001][BCC-485] Start live camera when opening capture face screen.

[NF-002][BCC-452] Supporting Canon PowerShot SX170.

BCC Services -

Bug fixes release

MD5 Checksum: 201730d4278e576b25515bd90c6072d3

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCC-466] Bug doesn’t allow to save configurations when camera Canon PowerShot selected