BCC Web Releases

BCC WEB - 1.8.0

Updated GBDS Client and new permission.


  • GBDS 4.7.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: a7b9dfb90928b7f451ce7133a51cfa49


On sphinx.settings table:

INSERT INTO sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) VALUES ('static.biographic', 'BCC', '')
  • Name: static.biographic
  • Description: Comma-separated list of field names (as they appear on sphinx.fields) indicating biographic fields that should be static, e.g., 'name, date_of_birth'. Static fields cannot be edited.
  • Type/Range: String
  • Default: '' (empty)
  • Required: No

New Features

[NF-001][BCW-400] Don’t allow the user to change biographics according to the setting static.biographic in DB.

[NF-002][BCW-405] User needs new permission bccdesktop_import to be allowed to import images when capturing in BCC Services.


[IP-001] Updated GBDS Client to 4.7.8.

BCC WEB - 1.7.2

This update brings a valuable enhancement, allowing users to enjoy continuous app access by staying logged in during active interactions. Additionally, it introduces minor improvements to biometrics capture and e-mail service.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 634aca2a4e44e4d49644bcded3020b09


On server’s config.properties:

  • Name: email.use.script.python
  • Description: Defines if server should use python script to send e-mails.
  • Type/Range: Boolean
  • Default: false
  • Required: No
  • Name: email.script.python
  • Description: Defines the current OS location of Python script.
  • Type/Range: String
  • Default: null
  • Required: No
  • Name: email.python.path
  • Description: Defines the current OS location of Python script.
  • Type/Range: String
  • Default: “python”
  • Required: No
session.expirationTime.server = 3600s
  • Name: session.expirationTime.server;
  • Description: Sets the maximum duration for user login sessions and session refresh.
  • Type/Range: String;
  • Default: 3600s;
  • Required: Yes

New Features

[IF-001][BESTW-1720][CNF] Boosted user experience with continuous app access

This update improved user experience by maintaining seamless app access. Now, users can stay logged in while actively engaging with the application within a specified time frame, as determined by the session.expirationTime.server variable in config.properties.

To enable this feature, configure the session.expirationTime.server variable using the format <number><unit>, where the unit can be “s” for seconds, “m” for minutes, or “h” for hours. For instance, set it as “3600s” to establish a 1-hour idle period.


[IP-001][CNF] E-mail service flow alternative through new Python script.

Now an alternative is available for the email sender service through a script written in Python programming language.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCW-377][UI] Enhanced error handling for fingerprint and palmprint capture

In prior versions, encountering an error during fingerprint or palmprint capture would result in a generic warning message, often misleading users into attempting biometric capture again or sequence control adjustments when the underlying issue might be unrelated, such as a session ID expiration.

With this update, error handling has been significantly improved. Now, if a user faces authorization issues (e.g., an expired session ID), they’ll receive an error message tailored to the problem. This not only prevents unnecessary attempts at biometric capture but also redirects the user to the login screen for a more straightforward resolution.

BCC WEB - 1.7.0

This version introduces ping calls for active session monitoring, configurations for email service authentication, and improved profile access across organizations, along with various other enhancements and bug fixes.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder
  • BCC Services: or later

MD5 Checksum: 46cbe5d866f70359a8bb0e665e5971f0


On sphinx.settings table:

Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('allowShowOrganization', 'BCC', 'true');
  • Name: allowShowOrganization
  • Description: When true, users from different organizations will be able to see each other’s profiles.
  • Type/Range: Bool
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: true
  • Required: No

On server’s config.properties:

  • Name: email.auth
  • Description: Defines if the email service will use authentication (user/pass)
  • Type/Range: Bool
  • Default: false
  • Required: No
  • Name: email.starttls
  • Description: Defines if the email service will use communication over TLS
  • Type/Range: Bool
  • Default: false
  • Required: No

New Features

[NF-001][BCW-371] Added calls to /ping.

Every time the user changes the page, a call to /ping is made. These calls were added to check if the user’s session-guid is still active.

[NF-002][BESTW-1700][CNF] Forgot password email configuration.

Added two configurations (email.auth, email.starttls) to define whether the email service should use authentication and TLS communication.


[IP-001][BCW-372] Change the default listing to be local listing instead of GBDS listing.

[IP-002][BCW-374][CNF] Access to profiles from other organization;

Added a new configuration (allowShowOrganization) that dictates if users will be able to see profiles from users with different organizations.

[IP-003][BCW-375] The ‘Go back’ button now changes to ‘Go to homepage’ if there is no history.

[IP-004][BESTW-1699] Improved forgot password email message.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCW-373] Fixed profile’s “Export images” function.

Now, all images downloaded are the original images with the original format instead of the converted ones.

BCC WEB - 1.6.0

This version introduces multiple changes to improve BCC stability.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder
  • BCC Services: or later

MD5 Checksum: 560f3c69fa10e45383a77f6a80ea613e


On sphinx.settings table:

  • Name: fingerprintOrder
  • Description: Dictates the capture order for fingerprints
  • Type/Range: String
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Required: No
  • Name: palmOrder
  • Description: Dictates the capture order for palmprints
  • Type/Range: String
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Required: No
Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('mustSelectFinger', 'BCC', 'false');
  • Name: mustSelectFinger
  • Description: Dictates if a index must be selected before doing a fingerprint identify search
  • Type/Range: Boolean
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: false
  • Required: No
Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('searchMatchingIndex', 'BCC', 'SAME_FINGERS');
  • Name: searchMatchingIndex
  • Description: Define if it should compare with all biometric indexes or only the same index as the one sent in the search
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: SAME_FINGERS
  • Required: No
Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('enrollMatchingIndex', 'BCC', 'SAME_FINGERS');
  • Name: enrollMatchingIndex
  • Description: Define if it should compare with all biometric indexes or only the same index as the one sent in the enroll
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: SAME_FINGERS
  • Required: No

New Features

[NF-001][BCW-328][UI] Display user’s organization label on header.

[NF-002][BCW-329][UI] Changed ‘Verify’ and ‘Identify’ strings to ‘Verify (1:1)’ and ‘Identify (1:N)’.

[NF-003][BCW-330][UI][CNF] Identify and Verify search buttons now consider permissions to be rendered.

Each search type button has its own permission to be displayed:

  • Identify permissions:

    • bccdesktop_identify_face
    • bccdesktop_identify_fingerprint
    • bccdesktop_identify_palm
    • bccdesktop_identify_profile
  • Verify permissions:

    • bccdesktop_verify_face
    • bccdesktop_verify_fingerprint
    • bccdesktop_verify_palm
    • bccdesktop_verify_profile

[NF-004][BCW-332][CNF] Select index before a fingerprint identify search.

It’s now possible to select the index that is going to be captured before a fingerprint identify search. By doing this, the amount of comparisons the application needs to do is reduced.

  • This feature is enabled or disabled by the row mustSelectIndex in table sphinx.settings.

[NF-005][BCW-346] BCC Services language is now the same as the one being used in the application.

[NF-006][BCW-352] BCC Services is now initialized on Windows boot.

[NF-007][BCW-353] Added new version of dlls for Watson mini.

[NF-008][BCW-354][UI] Open BCC Services when it’s not running.

If any request made to BCC Services fails because it is not running, a pop-up to initialize BCC Services is displayed. By clicking in ‘Open BCC Services’ a request is made to open BCC Services (bcc://open).

[NF-009][BCW-360] Added dlls (x64) for MSP signature pad.

[NF-010][BCW-365][CNF] Added a configuration to dictate the order witch fingerprints and palmprints must be captured.

  • This feature is controlled by the rows fingerprintOrder and palmOrder in table sphinx.settings.


[IP-001][BCW-364] Improved Watson Mini captures (sequence control and rolled captures).

[IP-002][BCW-366] Improved sequence control capture.

Changed sequence control capture logic to only return images after all captures are completed.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCW-322][UI] Infinite loop after face capture error.

A bug could occur during the capture of a face, making the application enter an infinite loop. To fix it, an ‘Interrupt capture’ button was added. By clicking on it, BCC Services is going to be restarted and all requests to BCC Services are cancelled.

[BF-002][BCW-367] Fixed generation of images for PDF report.

BCC Web - 1.5.0

This version introduces simultaneous login, change password, forgot password, browser enrollment and the download of profile pictures. It also improved the experience while downloading BCC services.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 10a7b2dbe17838ddb82cffbbc3823f00


On sphinx.settings table:

Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('checkDevice', 'APPS', 'false');
  • Name: checkDevice
  • Description: Enables browser enrollment feature (verifies if current browser is the one allowed previously)
  • Type/Range: Boolean
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: false
  • Required: No
Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('forgotPasswordAllowed', 'APPS', 'false');
  • Name: forgotPasswordAllowed
  • Description: Enables forgot password feature (allows user to reset their password if forgotten)
  • Type/Range: Boolean
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: false
  • Required: No

On server’s config.properties:

  • Name: codeValidTime
  • Description: Maximum duration that the temporary code sent by e-mail is valid for forgot password and browser enrollment flows. The duration is represented in minutes and it’s validated only once, when server starts.
  • Type/Range: Integer
  • Default: 10
  • Required: No
  • Name: deviceTime
  • Description: Represents the period of months that a browser’s guid will be valid.
  • Type/Range: Integer
  • Default: 6
  • Required: No
  • Name: email.host
  • Description: E-mail server URL.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g smtp.gmail.com)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: email.host.port
  • Description: E-mail server port.
  • Type/Range: Integer (e.g 587)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: email.from
  • Description: E-mail address that will be used as sender.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g bravonotifier@gmail.com)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: email.from
  • Description: Encrypted sender e-mail address password.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g xed3HZAA3+7umD+YFUgz6/AXbqGnMY/oLSRu6355xdA=)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Observation: The encryption method should be the same used for database’s passwordjava -jar encrypt.jar PASSWORD_HERE
  • Name: ldap.user
  • Description: User to be used in LDAP service.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g bravoadm)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: ldap.user
  • Description: LDAP service user’s password.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g Griaule.123)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes

New Features

[NF-001][WEB-358][CNF][OPT] Simultaneous login.

With this feature it’s not possible to have the same profile logged more than once in the same application. If an user is already logged and another access happens, using its username and password, the user with the oldest access will be warned and logged out in their next action.

[NF-002][BESTW-1627][BESTW-1628][BESTW-1630][UI] Change password.

Users now can change their password after logged in. In order to do that, the user must click the option “Change password” from the dropdown with their username in the top-right of the application. Next, they need to type their current password and the new password twice, following the rules described in the screen. After the new password is accepted, the user is automatically returned to the previous page.

[NF-003][BCW-325] Allow admin to download images and metadata of captured profiles.

This feature displays a “Download” button in profiles if user is admin and allows them to download all profile images and metada in a zip file.

[NF-004][BESTW-1641][CNF][OPT] Forgot password.

Users now have a new option at login screen that they can reset their password if it was forgotten. After clicking on it, they must inform their username and they will receive an e-mail with a temporary code. After typing the code successfully, they can type a new password, following the rules described in the screen.

[NF-005][BESTW-1663][CNF][OPT] Browser enrollment.

Users now will be informed that they are attempting to access the application from a new browser if they change the browser they are accessing it. They must return to the previous browser or authenticate the new one, revoking the access from the previous browser. To authenticate the new browser, they must type a code received in their e-mail correctly.


[IP-001][CNF][CHG] The maximum number of login attempts is now based in a database value.

Previously the maximum number of login attempts was fixed in 5. Now it uses the value from a database row. If the value does not exist, the fallback will be the previous value (5 attempts).

[IP-002][UI][BCW-306] Improved user’s experience while downloading BCC Services.

BCC Services download now happens in background, and users can navigate in the application while the download did not finish. It also displays the download complete percentage.

[IP-003][UI] Added user’s organization in application header.

Users now can check their organization by looking at the application header.

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCW-323] Unable to finish capturing a profile with signatures

A bug could occur during the capture of a profile if the captureSignature flag was true, making it impossible for the user to complete the capture, as the finalize button was disabled, with a warning that the signature was not captured, even though it had been done.

BCC Web - 1.4.0

Added Two Factor Authentication and general bug fixes


  • GBDS: 4.2.0 or newer
  • BCC Services:
  • Database schema bcc and sphinx: upgrade-sphinx-03-03-2023.sql/upgrade-bcc-1.4.0-04-04-2023 and clear-sphinx-03-03-2023.sql/clear-bcc-web-1.4.0-04-04-2023.sql

BCC Web MD5 Checksum: 35a0a149235ee072deea709246b242e7

New Features

[NF-001][BCW-309][UI][DB] Added Two Factor Authentication.

  • New Columns in sphinx: secret, tries, has_logged


[IP-001][BCW-305][CNF] Add configuration to select BCC Services download path

  • Name: bccService.location;
  • Description: Path to BCC Services Download;
  • Range: boolean;
  • Path: config.properties
  • Default: ‘’
  • Required: no

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCW-307][EP] Change BCC Services endpoint from ‘localhost’ to ‘’ to prevent browser from blocking http connections

[BF-002][BCW-304][CHG] Added new http error 406 when verifying face from local profile

[BF-003][BCW-302] Fixed error preventing revision PDF from being generated when some image does not have original-format parameter

[BF-004][BCW-300][CHG] Made New Field screen available only for Admins, preventing users without permission to create new responsible/profile/baby fields

BCC Web - 1.2.1

HOTFIX: Fixed pooling logic to avoid unnecessary BCC Services and server calls, fix profile biographics display, and add permission to show filter option on profiles listing.


  • GBDS: 4.2.0 or newer
  • BCC Services:
  • Database schema bcc and sphinx: upgrade-sphinx-3.1.1-30-06-2022.sql and clear-sphinx-3.1.1-30-06-2022.sql/clear-bcc-web-1.2.1.sql

MD5 Checksum: a49e94b5b082e1f520356a97b72e5853

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCW-285] Fixed pooling logic to avoid calling biometric capture multiple times.

[BF-002][BCW-286] Fixed logic to get captured biometrics images.

[BF-003][BCW-288] Fixed pooling logic to avoid resetting captures that were already finished.

[BF-004][BCW-290] Fixed fields layout to show full profile biographics.

[BF-005][BCW-293] Implemented logic to show the ‘Only babies’ filter only when the user profile has baby permissions.

BCC Web - 1.2.0

Compatibility updates to handle fields database schemas changes.


  • GBDS: 4.2.0 or newer
  • BCC Services:
  • Database schema bcc and sphinx: upgrade-sphinx-3.1.1-30-06-2022.sql and clear-sphinx-3.1.1-30-06-2022.sql/clear-bcc-web-1.2.0.sql

New tables:

  • sphinx.activity_log
  • sphinx.session

BCC Web MD5 Checksum: f26382a24f246385de25af606d824a2b

Bug Fixes

[BF-001] Corrected filter by key or biographic on profiles list.

BCC Web - 1.1.0

Adding SMT capture and profile labels. Improving capture component and fixing bugs


  • GBDS: 4.0.0 or newer
  • BCC Services:
  • Database schema bcc and sphinx: upgrade-commons-3.1.0-07-04-2022.sql and clear-common-3.1.0-07-04-2022.sql/clear-bcc-web-1.1.0.sql

BCC Web MD5 Checksum: 3981064c33ae9538c82afae8c6a8fcf2

New Features

[NF-001][BCW-267][BCW-268][BCW-279][BCW-280][BCW-281] Added SMT capture;

[NF-001][BCW-270][BCW-274] Added profile labels;


[IP-001][BCW-272] Improved automatic capture logic;

[IP-002][BCW-260] Greatly reduced delay in between captures;

[HIP-003][BCW-256] Added listFields conf to config.properties;

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCW-262] Fixed key and biographic filter selection in profiles list;

[BF-002][BCW-259] Turned ICAO verification off for baby faces;

[BF-003][BCW-242][BCW-271] Fixed issues with anomally count in enroll process;

[BF-004][BCW-254] Fixed issue preventing profiles with ‘GBDS FAILED’ status from showing up in list;

BCC Web - 1.0.0

First version of BCC Web!


  • GBDS: 4.0.0 or newer
  • BCC Services:
  • Database schema bcc and sphinx: upgrade-commons-3.1.0-07-04-2022.sql and clear-common-3.1.0-07-04-2022.sql/clear-bcc-web-1.0.0.sql

BCC Web MD5 Checksum: df07111579a50799a7e767832cfb9719

New Features

[NF-001] Enroll (fingerprint, palmprint, face, iris and signature)

[NF-002] Sequence control and duplicity check

[NF-003] Verify (fingerprint, palmprint, face, iris and profile)

[NF-004] Identify (fingerprint, palmprint, face, iris and profile)

[NF-005] List profiles

[NF-006] Profile Update

[NF-007] Delete profile

[NF-008] Baby and responsible enrollment

[NF-009] Baby checkout procedure

[NF-010] PDF generation with biographic and biometric information

[NF-011] Creation and update of biographic fields for enrollment

[NF-012] Validation of CPF field

[NF-013] Support for biographic field dropdown list loading csv information

[NF-014] Support for biographic field linked enumeration field


[IP-001] Allow send local profile to GBDS by profile screen and display profile status;

[IP-002] Automated tests implementation;

[IP-003][BCW-237] Highlight buttons on fields list;

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][BCW-226] Fix handle list and linked list field values;

[BF-002][BCW-229] Alert user that ‘key/biographic’ filter overwrites the date filters;

[BF-003][BCW-230] Fix loading when biometric module is not active;

[BF-004][BCW-231] Add verifications when editing/remove a field to avoid critical error;

[BF-005][BCW-232] Fix list local profile with ‘today’ as ‘end date’;

[BF-006][BCW-234] Correctly display all biometrics images on PDF;

[BF-007][BCW-235] Fix get baby on baby checkout;

[BF-008][BCW-236] Refactor baby capture flow to correctly update the responsible profile with baby id;

[BF-009][BCW-239] Block edit baby profile option;

[BF-010][BCW-251] Fix upload finger / palm on profile with maximum permitted anomalies;

[BF-011] Fix local fingerprint verify and identify return;

[BF-012][BCW-257] Handle edit linked enumeration biographics;

[BF-013][BCW-258] Fix profile linked enumeration field visualization;