MIR Web Releases

MIR WEB - 1.4.0

This version introduces simultaneous login, change password, forgot password and browser enrollment features.


  • GBDS 4.5.6 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 7151b45eca9cbf1a54cefa68305379c7


On sphinx.settings table:

Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('checkDevice', 'APPS', 'false');
  • Name: checkDevice
  • Description: Enables browser control feature (verifies if current browser is the one allowed previously)
  • Type/Range: Boolean
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: false
  • Required: No
Insert into sphinx.settings (NAME,TYPE,VAL) values ('forgotPasswordAllowed', 'APPS', 'false');
  • Name: forgotPasswordAllowed
  • Description: Enables forgot password feature (allows user to reset their password if forgotten)
  • Type/Range: Boolean
  • Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
  • Default: false
  • Required: No

On server’s config.properties:

  • Name: ldap.user
  • Description: User to be used in LDAP service.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g bravoadm)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: ldap.user
  • Description: LDAP service user’s password.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g Griaule.123)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: codeValidTime
  • Description: Maximum duration that the temporary code sent by e-mail is valid for forgot password and browser control flows. The duration is represented in minutes and it’s validated only once, when server starts.
  • Type/Range: Integer
  • Default: 10
  • Required: No
  • Name: deviceTime
  • Description: Represents the period of months that a browser’s guid will be valid.
  • Type/Range: Integer
  • Default: 6
  • Required: No
  • Name: email.host
  • Description: E-mail server URL.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g smtp.gmail.com)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: email.host.port
  • Description: E-mail server port.
  • Type/Range: Integer (e.g 587)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: email.from
  • Description: E-mail address that will be used as sender.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g bravonotifier@gmail.com)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Name: email.from
  • Description: Encrypted sender e-mail address password.
  • Type/Range: String (e.g xed3HZAA3+7umD+YFUgz6/AXbqGnMY/oLSRu6355xdA=)
  • Default: null
  • Required: Yes
  • Observation: The encryption method should be the same used for database’s passwordjava -jar encrypt.jar PASSWORD_HERE

New Features

[NF-001][WEB-358][CNF][OPT] Simultaneous login.

With this feature it’s not possible to have the same profile logged more than once in the same application. If an user is already logged and another access happens, using its username and password, the user with the oldest access will be warned and logged out in their next action.

[NF-002][MIR-310][CNF][OPT] Forgot password.

Users now have a new option at login screen that they can reset their password if it was forgotten. After clicking on it, they must inform their username and they will receive an e-mail with a temporary code. After typing the code successfully, they can type a new password, following the rules described in the screen.

[NF-003][MIR-311][UI] Change password.

Users now can change their password after logged in. In order to do that, the user must click the option “Change password” from the dropdown with their username in the top-right of the application. Next, they need to type their current password and the new password twice, following the rules described in the screen. After the new password is accepted, the user is automatically returned to the previous page.

[NF-004][BESTW-1663][CNF][OPT] Browser enrollment.

Users now will be informed that they are attempting to access the application from a new browser if they change the browser they are accessing it. They must return to the previous browser or authenticate the new one, revoking the access from the previous browser. To authenticate the new browser, they must type a code received in their e-mail correctly.


[IP-001][CNF][CHG] The maximum number of login attempts is now based in a database value.

Previously the maximum number of login attempts was fixed in 5. Now it uses the value from a database row. If the value does not exist, the fallback will be the previous value (5 attempts).

MIR WEB - 1.3.2

Added two factor authentication (2FA)


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 529b1f27c0773240cbf02cdf247bfdfa


  • Insert into sphinx.settings values (twoFactorAuthentication, APPS, true):

    - Name: twoFactorAuthentication;
    - Description: enable two factor authentication on MIR;
    - Range: boolean;
    - Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
    - Default: false
    - Required: no
  • Insert into sphinx.settings values (maxNumberTries, APPS, 5):

    - Name: maxNumberTries;
    - Description: set the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts a user can make before having their account blocked;
    - Range: integer;
    - Path: settings table of sphinx.settings
    - Default: 5
    - Required: no

New Features

[NF-001][mir-308][cfn] Add two factor authentication;

MIR WEB - 1.3.1

Fix date filter issue


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: c5a827ec1b0bea2e64a5d6553311289e

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][MIR-302] Fixed profile listing returning profiles outside the date filter range;

MIR WEB - 1.3.0

Adding organization label segregation and bus connection


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 115f37bb8c8c942ee60381288b34a626

New Features

[NF-002][MIR-295] Only profiles that have the same organization label as the user are listed;

[NF-001][MIR-294] On login, GBDS returns organization label and bus connection token inside permissions array;

[NF-003][MIR-296][UI] Added organization label on application header, under username;

[NF-004][MIR-297] Only transactions that have the same organization label as the user can be openned;

[NF-005][MIR-298] Added ping request whenever the application changes views;

[NF-006][MIR-301] If bus connection configuration is on, the token returned from GBDS is sent inside the header of every request;

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][MIR-292] Fixed unformatted message when face quality is -1;

MIR WEB - 1.2.0

Corrected approved listing, added new information on profiles list, fixed profile changes identification, handle external IDs, handle profiles assigned user, added face quality and minor improvements


  • GBDS 4.2.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

New tables:

  • sphinx.activity_log
  • sphinx.session

MD5 Checksum: a2508680d82eec53d9caf001e35918e8

New Features

[NF-001][MIR-267] Configurable display fields on profiles list;

[NF-002][MIR-272] Added manuallyReviewed param on GBDS listing call;

[NF-003][MIR-273] Added header on profiles list;

[NF-004][MIR-274] Displayed profile external IDs;

[NF-005][MIR-276] Assigned profile to user when opening the profile;

[NF-006][MIR-277] Displayed profile owner on list;

[NF-007][MIR-280] Displayed profile face quality issues;

[NF-008][MIR-281] Added profile face quality issues on errors list;


[IP-001][MIR-269] Refactored profile changes identification on approval;

[IP-002][MIR-275] Added profiles info on endpoint return to display on listing;

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][MIR-268] Fixed error when approving profile with external IDs;

[BF-002][MIR-270] Removed user from quality analysis payload when GBDS authentication is on;

[BF-003][MIR-271] Added server logs on invalid credentials login;

[BF-004][MIR-279] Added missing translation key to Tattoo;

[BF-005] Fixed issue showing auxiliary images on biometric comparison modal dropdown

[BF-006] Fixed issue rendering Irises tab when profile has auxiliary images

[BF-007][MIR-284] Submit face quality on profile approval

MIR WEB - 1.1.2

Fixing back end bugs involving GBDS communication


  • GBDS 4.0.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 0f13ff85cd0eb1b7dec50b1dfd580493

[BF-001][MIR-270] Remove ‘user’ from quality analysis call when GBDS authentication is enabled

[BF-002][MIR-271] Fix log issue when logging in with invalid credentials

MIR WEB - 1.1.1

Fixing bugs approving transactions with external IDs and detecting user changes in transactions


  • GBDS 4.0.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 453026d0b6f22477a28ca0afb675ad2e

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][MIR-268] Fixed issue approving transactions with external IDs

[BF-002][MIR-269] Fixed issue detecting user changes in transactions

MIR WEB - 1.1.0

Compatibility updates to handle fields database schemas changes and application manual generation


  • GBDS 4.0.0 or later
  • Database: Compatible with the dump found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 7fa1bb129e2a593b3130bbd6e12e0053

New Features

[NF-001] Application manual;

[NF-002][MIR-264] Signature view;

[NF-003][MIR-266] Render biometric tabs according to config;

[NF-004][MIR-267] Get list fields according to config


[IP-001] Server updates to handle new fields schema on common servers

[HIP-002][MIR-265] Pipeline parallel jobs

MIR WEB - 1.0.2

MIR Web improvements and bug fixes


  • GBDS 3.30 or later
  • Database: For new installations where there is no sphinx database, use the dump-common.sql found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 18abb9670358badb5e0cb36adbaee10d


[IP-001] Set MIR default route as ‘/profiles’;

Bug Fixes

[BF-001][MIR-243] Removed the ‘Import from sequence control’ option after a sequence control biometric swap;

[BF-002][MIR-244] Alert user of the swap behaviour for profiles that has ‘Two Thumbs’ biometric on sequence control;

[BF-003][MIR-248] Added a verification to display the view/edit options according to biometric type (fingerprint, palm, iris…);

[BF-004][MIR-249] Fixed mismatch between profiles list and count;

[BF-005][MIR-250] Fixed profiles count after search;

[BF-006][MIR-251] Show ‘PENDING’ status as default on profiles list;

[BF-007][MIR-252] Alert user that ‘Key’ or ‘Biographic’ filters overrides ‘Date’ filters;

[BF-008][MIR-253] Removed the ‘Label’ filter and separated ‘Key’ and ‘Biographic’ as two different filter fields;

[BF-009][MIR-259] Fixed interference between area filter with invert and Brightness or HSV or HSL

[BF-010][MIR-261] Fixed possible rotation values interval

[BF-011][MIR-262] Establish core and delta limit on fragments

MIR WEB - 1.0.1

Stop sending GBDS body images with wrong indexes and now profiles can be properly approved or rejected


  • GBDS 3.30 or later
  • Database: For new installations where there is no sphinx database, use the dump-common.sql found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 36180fae3929db61a4b8a3ea1e159b13

New Features

[NF-001][MIR-247] Stop sending GBDS body images with wrong indexes

MIR WEB - 1.0.0

First release as a Web Product


  • GBDS 3.30 or later
  • Database: For new installations where there is no sphinx database, use the dump-common.sql found in the release folder

MD5 Checksum: 58420b7187f5eb8e76d4413066f25221

New Features

[NF-001] Create MIR Web

[NF-002] Reject profiles functionality

[NF-003] Approve profiles functionality

[NF-004] Swap biometrics functionality

[NF-005] Crop fingerprints from control sequence manually functionality

[NF-006] Import fingerprints from control sequence automatically functionality

[NF-007] Functionality to choose between light and dark theme

[NF-008] Functionality to choose language between english and portuguese

[NF-009] Functionality to choose between 3 date formats

[NF-010] Functionality to choose between 2 time formats

[NF-011] Functionality to choose issue highlight color

[NF-012] Functionality to filter profiles by date of creation, status, key, biographic or label

[NF-013] Functionality to edit biometrics