
This manual describes all GBDS relational databases tables, schemas, and information. GBDS uses a relational database to store the metadata about people, transactions, notification groups, setting overrides, and exceptions.

The document is divided into four sections that describe:

General tables

The general tables are tables that retain vital information for GBDS operation, such as exceptions, people information, transaction information, and others. Those tables are described below.


The people table is intended to store the indexes for all people stored in GBDS database, and is described as follows:

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
id bigint 20 not null

Primary key;

Relational database private key

pguid varchar 255 not null HBase stored person UGUID
deleted tinyint 1 null Indicates whether the candidate was deleted to be excluded when performing candidates listing operations


The people_version table is intended to store the information about the last changes in a person’s register, and is described as follows:

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
version int 11 not null

Primary key;

Version index (incremental from the first change)

person_id bigint 20 not null Reference to person’s
_timestamp datetime 6 null Timestamp for the current version of a person
deleted tinyint 1 null Indicates whether the candidate was deleted to be excluded when performing candidates listing operations
active tinyint 1 null Defines if a version of a people is elegible for Master Record transactions


The transactions table is intended to store the indexes for all transactions stored in GBDS database, and is described as follows:

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
id bigint 20 not null

Primary key;

Relational database private key

tguid varchar 255 not null HBase stored transaction UGUID


The transactions table is intended to store information about quality analysis of the biometric data for a transaction.

Column Type Size Value Additional Information



not null

Primary key;

Relational database private key



not null

Reference to transaction’s
pguid varchar 255 null HBase stored person UGUID



not null

Defines whether a version of a person is
elegible for Master Record transactions




False if the fingerprints can be extracted





False if the face can be extracted in the
background. True if already extracted
created datetime 6 null Transaction creation timestamp
updated datetime 6 null Transaction last modification timestamp




Status of the enroll (as ENQUEUED,




Status of the quality analysis (as OK,
PENDING, APPROVED, and others)
extraction_time varchar 255 null Elapsed time for template extractions
extraction_quality varchar 255 null Elapsed time for quality extractions
match_time int 11 null Elapsed match time for this transaction
total_time int 11 null Total operation minus queue waiting time




Transaction type. Enum: ENROLL,
fingerprint_global_quality int 11 null Fingerprint global quality score
global_quality int 11 null Profile global quality score




API id that will perform or performed
quality extraction




Flags whether the transaction is a latent




Flags whether the transaction is a UL




The ID of the API instance that received
the transaction




The number of fingerprints in the




The number of face images in the
transaction (0 or 1)
gbds_version varchar 255 not null GBDS version that processed the transaction
ginger_extractor_type enum n/a null Type of ginger extractor used for the transaction. Enum: GRIAULE_FAST, GRIAULE_BASIC, GRIAULE_2020, GRIAULE_2024, GRIAULE_2018.


The transaction_fields table is intended to store the information about the quality information and link it with the non-biometric information of the fields table.

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
id bigint 20 not null

Primary key;

Relational database private key

fkey varchar 255 null

Field key describing the contained information (e.g. whether it is a blood type, mother’s name, birth date, document, etc)

Reference to fields.fkey

type varchar 255 null

Type of the information (search or label)

Reference to fields.type

fvalue varchar 255 null

Field effective value (e.g. the document number)

Reference to fields.fvalue

transaction_id bigint 20 not null

Id of the transaction.

Reference to


Column Type Size Value
transaction_id bigint 20 not null
idx int 11 not null
image_quality int 11 null
template_quality int 11 null
minutiae_count int 11 null
blank varchar 100 null
contrast varchar 100 null
fingerArea varchar 100 null
fingerCenterX varchar 100 null
fingerCenterY varchar 100 null
fingerExtentX varchar 100 null
fingerExtentY varchar 100 null
hasjoint varchar 100 null
__index varchar 100 null
marginBiteEast varchar 100 null
marginBiteNorth varchar 100 null
marginBiteSouth varchar 100 null
marginBiteWest varchar 100 null
nfiq varchar 100 null
orientation varchar 100 null
sizeX varchar 100 null
sizeY varchar 100 null


Column Type Size Value
transaction_id bigint 20 not null
idx int 11 not null
image_quality int 11 null
template_quality int 11 null
autoBrightness varchar 100 null
bgBelowPictureQuality varchar 100 null
bgBlueStandardDeviation varchar 100 null
bgDarknessQuality varchar 100 null
bgGreenStandardDeviation varchar 100 null
bgRedStandardDeviation varchar 100 null
bgUniformityQuality varchar 100 null
blurCompliance varchar 100 null
busyBackground varchar 100 null
busyBackgroundInCropped varchar 100 null
cropContainmentError varchar 100 null
eyesLookDown varchar 100 null
eyesLookLeft varchar 100 null
eyesLookRight varchar 100 null
eyesLookUp varchar 100 null
eyesObstruction varchar 100 null
eyesTooClosed varchar 100 null
eyesTooOpen varchar 100 null
faceDown varchar 100 null
faceLeft varchar 100 null
faceObstruction varchar 100 null
faceOrientationPitchCompliance varchar 100 null
faceOrientationRollAngle varchar 100 null
faceOrientationYawCompliance varchar 100 null
faceRight varchar 100 null
faceUp varchar 100 null
glasses varchar 100 null
grayscaleSpan varchar 100 null
hat varchar 100 null
heavyGlasses varchar 100 null
icaoCompliance varchar 100 null
leftEyeX varchar 100 null
leftEyeY varchar 100 null
mouthObstruction varchar 100 null
mouthOpen varchar 100 null
obstruction varchar 100 null
openMouth varchar 100 null
pictureHeight varchar 100 null
pictureWidth varchar 100 null
pixelated varchar 100 null
redEye varchar 100 null
result varchar 100 null
rightEyeX varchar 100 null
rightEyeY varchar 100 null
saturated varchar 100 null
saturationGrayscaleDistribGrade varchar 100 null
saturationNumGrayTones varchar 100 null
saturationOverExposure varchar 100 null
shadows varchar 100 null
skinColorCompliance varchar 100 null
smile varchar 100 null
smilingMouth varchar 100 null
spoof varchar 100 null
spoofGrade varchar 100 null
tiltAngle varchar 100 null
tooDark varchar 100 null
unnaturalSkinColor varchar 100 null
visibleTeeth varchar 100 null
wrongFacePose varchar 100 null
wrongShoulderPoseLeft varchar 100 null
wrongShoulderPoseRight varchar 100 null


The biometrics table is intended to store the biometrics of a person, being linked to the transaction and the people_version tables. It is described as follows:

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
id bigint 20 not null

Primary key;

Relational database private key

idx int 11 null Index of the current biometric
quality int 11 null Quality score for the extracted biometric template
type varchar 255 null Modality of the current biometric
person_id bigint 20 not null Reference to person’s
transaction_id bigint 20 not null Reference to transaction’s
person_version bigint 11 not null Reference to person’s people_version.version


The fields table is intended to store the non-biometric information of a person, being linked to the transaction and the people_version tables. It is described as follows:

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
id bigint 20 not null

Primary key;

Relational database private key

fkey varchar 255 null Field key describing the contained information (e.g. whether it is a blood type, mother’s name, birth date, document, etc)
type varchar 255 null Type of the information (search or label)
fvalue varchar 255 null Field effective value (e.g. the document number)
person_id bigint 20 not null Reference to person’s
person_version int 11 not null Reference to person’s people_version.version


The exceptions table is intended to store the information of any biometric exception and its treatment. It is described as follows:

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
id bigint 20 not null

Primary key;

Relational database private key

aguid varchar 255 not null HBase stored exception UGUID
comments varchar 255 null Any comments given when treating the exception
_timestamp datetime 6 null Timestamp for the creation of the exception
status varchar 255 not null Current status of the exception defined whether it is treated or pending
user varchar 255 null Identification of the user responsible for treating the exception
reference_person_id bigint 20 not null

Foreign key:

Reference to reference person’s

entrant_person_id bigint 20 not null

Foreign key:

Reference to entrant person’s

transaction_id bigint 20 not null

Foreign key:

Reference to transaction’s

reference_person_version int 11 not null

Foreign key:

Reference to reference person’s people_version.version

entrant_person_version int 11 not null

Foreign key:

Reference to entrant person’s people_version.version


The status table is intended to store the information about nodes and matchers of the GBDS.

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
guid varchar 255 not null

Primary Key;

Task ID

stimestamp datetime 6 null Timestamp for status timeout
people_count bigint 20 null Number of people in a node or cluster
ul_count bigint 20 null Number of UL in a node or cluster
info longblob Up to 4Gb null Status information and data


The apis is used by GBDS to manage multiple APIs active at the same time.

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
api-id varchar 255 not null ID of the unique API instance
hostname varchar 255 not null Hostname of the node where the API is running
port int 11 not null Port where the API is running
type varchar 255 null Type of the API instance (LEADER, RUNNER, or null)

On API boot, each API will look for itself in this table. If not found with hostname/IP and port, it inserts itself in the table with a GUID as api-id and type null, meaning not ready for quality extraction. Changes directly applied to this table will be parsed every 15 minutes.

Unsolved Latent (UL) tables

The Unsolved Latent tables are used to store information about the UL information and candidates. The tables are described below.


The ul table is designed to store all the GBDS UL’s and is described as follows:

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
uguid varchar 255 not null

Primary key;

HBase stored UGUID

ul_status varchar 255 not null


HBase replicates this status

creation_time timestamp 4 not null current_timestamp by default
person_pguid varchar 255 null PGUID of the matched person when SOLVED
person_tguid varchar 255 null TGUID of the matched person when SOLVED
fragment_id varchar 255 null Original fragment ID for the fragment that generated the UL
fragment_case_id varchar 255 null Original case ID for the fragment that generated the UL
fragment_index int 11 null Fragment index for the UL. By default, the index is set as -1 (index not known, any index)
analysis_user varchar 255 null User responsible for the UL analysis
analysis_timestamp timestamp 4 null Analysis timestamp
group_guid varchar 255 not null Grouping GUID (for listing linked UL’s)


The ul_candidates table is designed to store the candidates of each UL that GBDS keeps after any REVERSE LATENT MATCH done over enrollments that generated a match against a UL, and is described as follows:

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
ul_uguid varchar 255 not null

Primary key;


person_pguid varchar 255 not null

Primary key;

Candidate’s PGUID

person_tguid varchar 255 not null

Primary key;

Candidate’s TGUID

person_index int 11 not null

Primary key;

Candidate finger index

score int 11 not null Matching score for the candidate
deleted tinyint 1 not null 0 by default, indicates whether the candidate was deleted to be excluded when performing candidates listing operations
minutiae longblob Up to 4Gb null

JSON serialization containing the matched minutiae. It’s a list from the following structure:

  • queryIndex, int
  • referenceIndex, int

Notification tables

The notification tables are used to store data for auditorship purposes, as e-mails, persons who will be notified, and groups.


The notify_user table is designed to store the data of the gbds authenticated user.

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
id bigint 20 not null

Primary Key;

User unique ID.

username varchar 255 not null authenticated gbds username


The notify_group table is designed to store the notification groups information.

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
id bigint 20 not null Primary Key;
name varchar 255 not null Group Name
enabled tinyint 1 not null Defines if the group will be active or not


The notify_group_email table is designed to store the emails of a given group.

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
notify_group_id bigint 20 not null

Primary Key;

ID of the group.

email varchar 255 not null

Primary Key;

Email that belongs to the group


The notify_user_group table is designed to store the information of which group a given user is part of.

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
notify_user_id bigint 20 not null

Primary Key;

Reference to user’s

notify_group_id bigint 20 not null

Primary Key;

Reference to group’s


The people_transparency table is designed to store the information about a given person and what actions are taken when this person is searched.

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
id bigint 20 not null Primary Key;
pguid varchar 255 not null Reference to person’s people.pguid
enabled tinyint 1 not null Indicates if the action is on or off for the given person
action varchar 255 null Action to be taken


The people_transparency_group table is designed to store the information about which groups a person belongs to.

Column Type Size Value Additional Information
people_transparency_id bigint 20 not null

Primary Key;

Reference to people_transparency’s

notify_group_id bigint 20 not null

Primary Key;

Reference to group’s

GBDS Settings tables

GBDS uses a relational database to store some settings for the API and GBDS. The settings table is a special table designed to control certain GBDS and GBDS API configurations. These configurations are stored in the gbds.settings table. The table can contain configurations present in GBDS API, GBDS, or both following the schema below:

Type Type Size Value Additional Information
skey varchar 255 not null Primary key. Parameter key name.
stype varchar 50 not null Local where is the parameter from. API or GBDS
svalue varchar 4096 null Value of the parameter
description varchar 4096 null Description of the parameter
stimestamp datetime 6 not null Timestamp
host varchar 1024 null Hostname of a node

All settings found inside the table will be written in the respective file, for GBDS API and application.conf for GBDS, every 15 minutes. Also, it will propagate all updated configurations on memory in both, API and GBDS.


The parameter value defined at gbds.settings table will propagate to ALL nodes.

This feature is controlled by one configuration parameter in the table, gbds.rdbSystemConfiguration.enabled. This parameter will enable the overwrite of the values of GBDS and API configuration. Setting the parameter value to BOTH will make GBDS and API configurations be overwritten.

gbds.settings / File Configuration Key type
gbscluster.min.quality API
gbds.enroll.fingerprints.min-nr-template API
gbds.enroll.face.min-nr-template API
gbds.enroll.iris.min-nr-template API
gbds.enroll.palmprint.min-nr-template API
gbds.enroll.newborn-palmprint.min-nr-template API
gbscluster.enroll.fingerprints.verify.matchthreshold API
gbscluster.update.min.quality API API API
gbds.api.logLevel API
gbds.extraction.service API
gbds.extraction.service.face.count API
gbds.extraction.service.ginger.count API
gbds.extraction.service.girl.count API
gbds.extraction.service.hostname API
gbds.extraction.service.initialPort API
gbds.extraction.service.logLevel API
gbds.extraction.service.maxTries API
gbds.extraction.service.linkLibSegfault API
gbds.extraction.quality.service API
gbds.extraction.quality.fillTransactionQualityPropertiesTable API
gbds.faces.extraction.quality.api API
gbds.faces.extraction.quality.background API
gbds.fingerprints.extraction.quality.api API
gbds.fingerprints.extraction.quality.background API
gbds.extraction.quality.service.finger.count API
gbds.extraction.quality.service.face.count API
gbds.extraction.quality.service.initialPort API
gbds.extraction.quality.service.logLevel API
gbds.extraction.quality.service.timeout API
gbds.extraction.quality.service.hostname API
gbds.extraction.quality.service.maxTries API
gbds.extraction.quality.service.linkLibSegfault API
gbds.extraction.quality.service.rows-on-select API
gbds.extraction.quality.service.submitted-queue-factor API
gbds.enroll.face.min.quality API
gbds.update.face.min.quality API
gbds.monitor.url API
gbds.template.face.multiplicity API
gbds.biographicBase.enabled API
gbds.biographicBase.endpoints API API API
gbds.biographicBase.logLevel API
gbds.biographicBase.clientID API
gbds.biographicBase.clientSecret API
gbds.biographicBase.lookAllServers API
gbscluster.fingerprints.extraction.enroll.type API
gbscluster.fingerprints.extraction.verify.type API
gbds.update.exception.reextract API API
gbds.biographicBase.autoUpdate API
gbds.biographicBase.sendPguidAsKey API
gbds.biographicBase.sendTguidAsKey API
gbds.log.diagnose GBDS
gbds.ul.boot.scan.enabled GBDS
gbds.boot.scan.ignoreErrorsOnRegion GBDS GBDS
gbds.biometric.fingerprint.identify.threshold GBDS
gbds.biometric.fingerprint.exception.threshold GBDS
gbds.biometric.fingerprint.exception.enabled GBDS
gbds.biometric.fingerprint.exception.enroll.min-matches-for-exception GBDS
gbds.biometric.face.identify.threshold GBDS
gbds.biometric.face.exception.threshold GBDS
gbds.peopleList.countFromRDB GBDS
gbds.biometric.face.enabled.threshold GBDS
gbds.driver.logLevel GBDS
gbds.log.loadUnload GBDS
gbds.template.memory.format GBDS
gbds.match.service.enabled GBDS
gbds.match.service.initialPort GBDS
gbds.match.service.logLevel GBDS
gbds.match.service.timeout GBDS
gbds.match.service.templateSend.parallelByModality GBDS
gbds.match.service.linkLibSegfault GBDS
gbds.match.service.maxTries GBDS
gbds.match.service.maxConnectionErrors GBDS
gbds.memory-monitor GBDS
gbds.watchdog.interval GBDS
gbds.watchdog.log.mode GBDS
gbds.watchdog.log.level GBDS
gbds.verifyPostMatch.enabled GBDS BOTH BOTH BOTH BOTH
gbscluster.update.consider.fingerprints BOTH
gbscluster.update.consider.faces BOTH
gbscluster.update.consider.faces.beforeFingerprints BOTH
gbscluster.update.faces.verify.matchthreshold BOTH
gbscluster.update.minimum.fingers BOTH BOTH

Other configurations can be placed on table gbds.settings on rdb and all will be written on API or GBDS file according to configuration type. But the memory reloads on execution time will not be performed for these new configurations, only after API and/or GBDS are restarted.