1. Introduction

This manual describes the standard integration workflow for GBS Intelligence, that allows for biographic search within the database. Any API call mentioned in this manual must be performed according to the GBS Intelligence API Specification.


Any calls to GBS Intelligence must be performed to ETR Server, as mentioned in the API specification.

2. Login

Any request to GBS Intelligence requires an authenticated session-guid. To obtain the session-guid, a Login Request request must be sent providing a valid user/password combination.


The user and password must be the same used for logging into GBDS and other Griaule Applications.

The Login operation will return a session-guid that must be provided in all requests to GBS Intelligence.

3. Request Search Fields List

Any search request submitted to GBS Intelligence must specify the biographic field to be used. To verify the biographic fields available for search, it is possible to request the Search Fields List.


If the biographic field name specified in the search request does not match a field that exists within the database, an error will be returned.

4. Searching by Value

Whenever performing a search request, it is recommended to divide the workflow in two steps: count and list.

By counting the results available for the given search criteria beforehand, it is possible to paginate the results, avoiding any overhead in retrieving and viewing the results.

Once the results are counted, it is possible to request and paginate the search results through the request query parameters.

4.1. Count

The Count Search Results request must contain the field’s name and value to be searched.


Any profile that contains the value to be searched within the given biographic field will be returned as the search result, regardless of position.

e.g. a regular expression that describes the search criteria would be *value*, being * a wildcard that covers for any characters in any quantity.

4.2. List

The List Search Results request must also contain the field’s name and value to be searched, and the search criteria will be the same used for counting the results.

This request accepts query parameters that can be used to filter the returned list, such as first, which determines the position of the first result returned in the list, and size, which defines the number of results to be returned, starting from the first.

5. Accessing Profile Details

After performing the search and retrieving the results, it is possible to use the returned PGUIDs to access the profile details through the Request Profile call.

This method will return all the data of the given PGUID’s profile, including the biographic data and images encoded in base64.

6. Image Conversion Tool

GBS Intelligence also provides a method for Converting Images to different formats by providing the base64 encoded original image, its format, and the desired format for conversion.